October 28 2004 our beautiful Tessa was born-It's hard to believe she's 4 already! Tessa is such a sweetheart and always willing/wanting to help. She loves playing make-believe, reading books, dressing-up and playing games.
Her birthday this year started out with a few gifts when she woke up (she gets her lovely morning hair from me) :)

My sis-in-law inspired me to start a fun birthday tradition: the birthday kid gets to pick out 1
small toy/treat for each sibling to open on their birthday. I think it's a fun idea especially when the other kids don't quite
get the whole birthday thing. Thanks Julie!

We went to the Children's Museum with some of our friends and after the kids played for a while we had some cupcakes-yum cherry chip my favorite-I figure until she has a preference, I should get mine, right?

The kids spotted a bit of frosting on the lid...


Why do we even make cakes for children? From now on I think I'll just give them their own container of frosting and a spoon-Happy Birthday!

When Mark got home from work we went to a pumpkin patch. There was a hay maze, a petting zoo, a playground, a corn pit, and giant pumpkins-pretty fun!

That evening we had some more friends come over for cake and ice cream. Tessa got to pick out who/what topped her cake and she picked Cinderella in her wedding dress-it looks a bit too much like a wedding cake and it kinda freaked me out :)