My friend Kati inspired me to start this New Year's tradition-everyone traces their hand and then chooses 5 goals they will try to accomplish in the next year. I like goals better than the whole resolution thing-that never seems to work out well for me ;)
For the record, I can definitely not take credit for that. Aimee does it with her family and she did it in Sharing Time last year (plus, we didn't even do it this year)
In my attempt to not comment on every single post, I'm combining two . . . love the ice cave! :)
Amy, this is Ashley (Sitton) Williamson. Your blog is adorable and so are your kids! what is your email address and I will send you an invite to view our blog?!
That is so cute! Good luck on your goals!
I can't believe you actually posted. When you post, you really make up for lost time. I can't believe Rigdon is almost grown up already. My favorite picture is of Tessa's hair in the morning. It really is beautiful! She looks so innocent I am sure she is the perfect big sister. Thanks for posting, we miss you guys. Oh, I would love a post with your thoughts on the inauguration.
I love the handprint/goal idea and, as always, the kids are so cute! It was great to have Thanksgiving with you. See you soon. GrandmaQ
Wow! Amy, I can't believe Tessa is 4. That is crazy. Where does the time go? I still remember her being brand new and you bringing her to the office. You were my life savor, you know? I'll never forget how amazing you were to help me. Anyway, I love this goal idea. I may have to steal it. I also love the pictures of your holidays. So fun! The corn pit pictures are totally the coolest things I have ever seen.
I am so impressed! I feel like I can now go on living my life because Amy has updated her blog.
Lots of fun stuff! By the way, that snow cave was horribly scary. I don't know if I could have let my children in there, even with an engineer constructing it.
That corn pile was halarious! I wish I could have jumped in there. By the way, nice photoshopping. I'm impressed.
Keep'em coming!
It's me again! So I just got on my friends blog and she had a "which disney princess are you most like". So I had to find out. Now I need to know what yours is too. So you need to go onto my blog and click on the link and tell me. It's gonna be so much fun, you won't even believe it. Good luck.
Wow! You really did finally update your blog. I love it! I'll check back in another six months for the next update :). Ha Ha
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