4th of July

The 4th of July is tied with Thanksgiving for my absolute favorite holiday. Every year I'm determined to pack in as many holiday festivities as I possibly can. This year we went to a breakfast at our church (complete with bike parade), went to a parade, had a BBQ with some friends, and watched fireworks.
One of the coolest things about eastern WA is that fireworks are legal (even the big, huge ones!) so instead of loading up to go to a fireworks show you sit in your front yard and watch the neighborhood put on a show for about 5 hours. It's seriously the coolest thing EVER!

Look at them, so excited to be a part of the bike parade!

Bike parade drop-outs. Taken approximately 4.5 minutes after the previous picture.
Swimming Lessons

Summer games 2020 here she comes!
Rig's Blessing

Rigdon Cole Jones
Blessed July 20, 2008
What an awesome day! The blessing was beautiful and we had so much fun spending time with family and friends.
Finally complete!
Well kinda :)
About mid-July marked the end of our 5-week siding/painting project-and by "our" I mean Mark. He tore down and replaced the siding on 2 sides, trimmed out all the windows, preped, painted and added some new fixtures. We decided a while back that he should take on this project right after Rig was born in order to take full advantage of his "my wife just had a baby sick time"-needless to say I was excited for him to finish so that we could have a husband/dad again.
Trip to Canada
While my parents where here we took a quick trip up to Vancouver and Victoria B.C. They are both beautiful cities and we crammed as much sight-seeing as we could.

The Butchart Gardens were beautiful-thanks mom and dad for a great trip.

SeaFair is a big festival in Seattle, the hydroplane races and the airshow are the 2 biggest attractions. This year we went down to a park with our friends the Owens to watch the Blue Angels-they're amazing! Whenever I see something like this I always want to get decked out in American attire and watch Top Gun or something-what can I say it's cool to be an American!
(Apparently this is the only show "the blues" put on over water. If you blow-up the picture above you can see all the boats out to see the show.)
Isn't summer great?!
Cute pictures! You guys are so patriotic. I don't think I've ever seen the outside of your house before, it looks great! Also, I'm glad we're not the only ones obsessed with the olympics, Brooke wouldn't go to sleep last night because she wanted to watch the girls jumping.
My dad's told me about the Buchart Gardens. I've always wanted to go! Looks beautiful! You guys look great, it's fun seeing all of your pictures.
YAY!!!!!! I was so excited to see your blog and to see all of you! You look great! I love your hair it's getting so long. Your kiddies are adorable! And i love the new paint job. It looks great. Well I am excited that you are my blogging buddy. This is great!
First of all, Amy you look fantastic. I can't believe that you just had a baby and look that great. Second of all, nice work Mark- seems like him and Nate would make a good team doing all kinds of house projects. Your house is beautiful.
It's taken me a while to sit down and finish looking at your blog, but I just did, and I have to say, way cute! First and formost, yes, we are infatuated with the olympics, and Clayton and I are both very upset with the performance the Jamacain (Bolt) gave when he ran the 100. Why didn't he run more serious, he totally could have gone faster. He bugs.
Also one of my favorite posts was the bike parade, you gotta love kids. You all need to come and visit. Hudson needs somebody to play with all day since Londons at school. It would be fun!!!
Look at Tessa floating on her back - so cute! Do you know if they do lessons in the fall?
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