Mark put Sawyer up on the ledge against the glass to take this picture-he didn't realize just how scary this situation was to a 2-year-old who has a 1/2 inch of glass between him and the biggest creature he's ever seen. About a second after he took this, Sawyer freaked out and jumped into my arms. He may need therapy someday but...cool picture :)

We're in front of the walrus in this picture-I'm pretty sure Rig is watching him.

Check out the antlers on that reindeer!
FYI: You might have noticed this before, Tessa is really in to "posing" for pictures. Now, I know that most kids get a cheesy grin when they see a camera but Tess takes it one giant step further. She comes up with poses that she calls "ballet" or "gymnastics" or some where she just does bizarre things with her face. She might not be the most normal child but she's ours :)

Penguins (you probably need to blow it up to see them) (Tessa thought this pouty lip face was great)

Otters-I've always thought they were pretty cute but I think this picture is changing my mind. They look a bit too rodent like for me.

I took several pictures of them in front of the elephants and in all of them Tess had to put her chin on her shoulder-goofy kid, I know.
I absolutely love Tessa's poses! And I have to say, I am with Mark. It was worth the picture. All kids are going to need counseling it just differs on what it is for. At our house, rather than saving for our kids college, we are thinking about starting therapy funds for them. :)
You need to do a scrapbook page of all of Tessa's poses. Maybe you could find out what her interpritation of "blue steel" might be. Looks like a fun zoo!
So fun! It looks like a cool zoo! Also, thanks for the zoo pass tip, I'll definitely have to look into that next year!
I love Tessa's poses it is so cute to see her personality in the photos. I think if I was Sawyers' size I too would look terrified if a big creature like that was just behind me too. It sure looks like fun was had by all. I can't wait until our little guy can have this much fun too.
Wow, Tess has some serious talent posing. She definately could have a future in modeling. Your hair is so long and pretty, Amy. Looks like a fun trip. Love seeing pictures of what you all are up to.
Looks like a great zoo trip. Tessa certainly manages to steal the show. I love her smile.
Where's the new post??? Hurry up, oh wait, your probably waiting on me to send you those photos. Nevermind!
Did you pose her for that last pic? She cracks me up :)
How fun it's been to read through your blog! I hope all is well with your family. Love & Kisses from us.
I forgot to ask you to send me your email and address and phone # to anikataylor23@hotmail.com. Our blog is private due to our foster children and I would love to add u 2 it. Hope to hear from u soon!
Hey! I finally found your blog. Sorry, I'm a little slow. Cute pics. Looks like you guys had a blast. I love the family photo on your banner. Who took it?
I wasn't sure where to comment on your main blog picture "keeping up with the Jones'" Way cute picture! Who took it? Hope you guys are doing well!
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